No, it isn’t oops misspelled. It stands for operations such as I was part of in Vietnam. Veritably, I was involved in warfare. It took longer than I ever expected to recover from many things we did over there but that was long ago now. Still, many things persist from that time in my ancient head.
I want to speak of that time in America and where I went to remove the pain from my head. How I beat the odds at one time and where I am now in old age.
I don’t come here for sympathy. I come here to tell some who will listen what life is about from one who damn near lost his. Life is, to put it mildly and to speak of life, a gift. Of course, you have the choice to recognize that while you’re young or to do what I did and intake those things to remove yourself from life and it’s pain. It is pretty much a pain in many aspects, life. It is within each of us to make it better for ourselves and that is the trick I learned quite late and during months long recuperation over a decade ago. There you have it as to what this will be about but it will be so much more but only for thse who can yet open their minds to truth.
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