It’s quite a spectacle, having Trump as president. Though the leftists in the press complain about every breath he takes their ratings go up when he is in office, speaking of the leftist news channels. The paper press is now virtual paper so I don’t follow the unreal thing.

Why people of one party dislikes Trump so badly is a social science equation. The variables seem to be ignorance, variable “a,” and laziness, variable “x.” The answer to the entire equation stems from the herd mentality and little effort expended to seek out the truth. Truth takes study to get on the right side of. Laziness is a personal problem that affects those with cushy living. Mommy and Daddy doing everything for the lazy person.

If you have an argument with the above then you just need to take a step back and reconsider. Why do you disagree? With that moment of thought ask yourself if you’ve ever been able or willing to help out your fellow man in such a way as to inconvenience yourself. Kind of seems as though this article comes out of left field doesn’t it?

Well, this is not going to be the easiest place to read for many who are used to cushiness. It comes from a combat veteran from a long time ago. One who put his life as a target on the gun range to help his country and somehow came home in one piece. If you listen to me you will end up at least starting to gain some objectivity in your life. Objectivity rather than “going along,” like flotsam on a river.

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