Where are you as to time? The time of this world given all the threats, A.I., China, space exploration, and the human nature of mankind. I mention A.I. as it will be as imperfect as those who program it. Other than being anxious concerning the freedom of mind (will?) given A.I. or the willingness of others to weaponize it, it worries me hardly at all. Perhaps a little more than a nuclear exchange but A.I. is oh, so wonderful, to hear the pundits of A.I.
Will A.I. put us in the dumpster of history as a species? I doubt it but it really depends on us and us isn’t you and I. No, we are, once again, the guinea pigs for high minded intellectuals. It reminds me of Oppenheimer, the guy who invented, among others, the atomic bomb. “Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” This quote from Oppenheimer equals where I hope we don’t go with A.I.
Or, on the other hand, should we look to the Bible for wisdom? This is what I choose to do as I freely acknowledge that God is creator of this planet, does not like where we are going, and that ever faster. Much too fast to stop and think about what it is we do or the ramifications of same. I always have to remind myself that no matter how brilliant the mind that mind is flawed. Mortally flawed. “Still, new cars are quite expensive,” he said, bringing the real world back into focus. It had seemed so out of focus, he thought. But then, he realized, there have always been a billion excuses for progress throughout history despite all the wars progress caused. Rocks, sticks, arrows, spears, gunpowder, bullets, on and on.
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