What defines life is quite simple, breathing, in what ever form that takes. For us who walk on two legs life is a little bit more complicated but only because life is what we make of it. We can live simply or we can live to strive for ever more possessions. If we strive we consider ourselves fortunate to be able to do so but it is what we strive for that is emblematic of who we are. So, what are the complexities of striving? Well, it depends on what we are striving for and that depends on where we find ourselves in life.

Having established that life requires respiration all else is a choice. Of course, it is a given that nourishment by food and water is also a requirement. But food and water depends on the stark reality and geographic location of birth. Beyond that our choices are many but this does not, obviously, apply to all of us. For many, those forgotten in our day to day striving, water is a thing to be searched for and, once found, to be cherished as that life may see one more day. For those who strive to be wealthy, it depends on where one lives as to those possibilities. Is it even possible to acquire wealth? Not in all walks of life is this possible. I do not need to go into starvation because this is a reality in too many regions that most have never heard of. This is, by itself, a sad but accurate statement.

All of this is probably redundant to most but it is also not stated enough. When any government of any country does not care about humanity life grows dimmer. Charity is not all it is cracked up to be either. If that money goes to administration and, therefore, large salaries for those running any organization, less money goes where it should but does go to those striving to raise their societal stature.

The answer is not of this Earth because the answer is above. Not in all the melee we find ourselves in day to day as that is caused by striving and that is the indicator of human imperfection in a world living outside of God’s influence. There will be no “balance” until God says that word and it becomes a reality; as He did with the Universe. Of course, in the human melee most strive to get more while those starving dwindle in our minds but not in God’s mind. He does not miss a single cry in the wilderness.

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