
So, you’re wondering what Xog Ops is about or even curious where the word Xog came from. Well, Xog came from me but this was before I found other abbreviations using those letters elsewhere. I could find no copyright or trademark for it so, until I am made aware, I will use it for this website.

I tried this out before but it didn’t get many views. With over two thousand views now I believe that my first attempt’s failure was due to content so I changed that the second time around. I find I can write about most anything and be reasonably accurate as I am old and stuffed with useless knowledge of seventy-six years of listening rather than monopolizing conversations. I’ve never been a big talker hence no podcasts do I attempt. I love to write, hate to talk. It’s all been said before so quiet suits me now.

The variable for conversation which will engage my voice is politics or Scripture. I am an awful studier of the Bible but over the decades I have studied it both in college and at home for at least five decades. My memory isn’t as good as it once was but my recall of verses in the Bible is still sound. Chapter and verse by the numbers escapes me. What is the 101st chapter of Psalms requires opening the book.

I hadn’t thought to mention the Bible here but I find that the interest for the Bible is always huge. If I mention it on my other websites it always gets more views so I need to be careful as the last being I want to offend is my Father in Heaven or His Son. I believe all of it because I’ve seen or heard just about everything else and they don’t stack up when it comes to being human beings. What, you say?

Human beings are born ignorant so it depends on what they choose to fill their minds with while young that makes them viable or a waste of skin. I was partly filled with spirituality as a child and retained most of it growing into adulthood. Therefore, though I am no saint I have avoided many things that bring human beings down to the lowest denominator. This is what I think about quite often and thank God for. Staying out of the gutter that so many find themselves in with noble purpose. Politicians come to mind.

I will write here as long as I feel it worth mine or your worth. If you enjoy it please leave a comment here saying so. Same if you don’t but keep it clean should you complain. That’s what I am about and I’ll write a few more pages as I go.

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